Women's Rights/Empowerment

Empower Women Economically, Socially & Politically

"The world is awakening to a Powerful Truth: Women and Girls aren't the Problem; they're the Solution" Nicholas Kristof

However, such gains often are blocked by the realities that many of the world's women face. A woman cannot harvest the latest crops to feed her family if she is bruised and broken by a violent husband. A girl cannot graduate from high school and participate in her country's workforce if she is married off at 12 and gives birth at 13. A woman cannot start a small business in her village if she does not have access to market information and new technologies. No woman or girl can reach her full potential if her basic right to a healthy, safe life is not honored. Then again, woman faces discrimination at her home, starting from womb to tomb. In order to make the women realize their inner strength and importance in the society, RTH has taken a pledge to illuminate their lives with Pride and Dignity by helping them in enhancing the skills and information on equal rights privileges and opportunities relevant to make them realize their self-esteem.

OUR goal of gender equality in India by addressing the following issues and more:
• Eliminating violence against women, including
• Preventing trafficking in women and children and ending the practice of sex selection (including female foeticide)
• Women’s education,health, pregnancy and HIV/AIDS awareness
• Participation of Women in Economy

RTH's will focus on the immense opportunity that exists with supporting Women's Empowerment. It has become apparent that investing in Women has an incredibly high rate of return by their ability in saving, providing for their families and generating income.
Equal access to education is the foundation for all development goals. Educating girls is the single most effective policy to raise overall economic productivity, lower infant and maternal mortality, educate the next generation, improve nutrition and promote health. Educated mothers immunize their children 50 per cent more often than mothers who are not educated, and their children have a 40 per cent higher survival rate. Moreover, mothers who have had some education are more than twice as likely to send their own children to school as are mothers with no education.

Causes to Support:
Women are 50% of the world's invisible population. They are the victims of inequality in every sphere that they exist. We provide a path that creates the conditions under which not just one woman, but millions of women can benefit.

Right to Good Health/ Nutrition:
Malnutrition among women is 36.3%. The prevalence of anemia among pregnant women is over 80%. Poverty and poor purchasing power have been identified as two major factors responsible for low dietary intake.

India is home to the largest number of illiterate women in the world. The literacy rate for women is just 39.19%, and more than 56% drop out before they reach mid level in school. In rural India, out of every 100 girls who enrol in Class I, only 1 enters Class XII. In urban areas the position is only slightly better with 14 girls entering in Class XII. Giving girls a good start in early childhood.

Training & Skill Development:
Women find employment mostly as casual labour in agriculture and the growing informal sector. Skill training provides opportunities for employment and income generation, health and nutrition which is particularly important because agriculture and the formal sector are unable to absorb growing labour forces and to improve their social and economic status. We have been implementing activities for sustainable livelihoods through skill development trainings like Embroidery, Tailoring, Art and Craft, Computer studies etc.

Legal Awareness and Property Rights:

In rural India only 13% of women inherited land from their fathers, as daughters. Reach the Hearts is working closely with women to generate awareness regarding their legal rights. Men and women are equal partners in development and women would be empowered if they have the skills for social analysis, and understand the causes of disparity and inequality.

Violence against Women:
The number of sexual abuse and domestic violence cases against women clearly throws light on the fact that women in India do not enjoy even basic rights.
Living in a patriarchal society and in a culture that justifies the secondary status of women, women are exposed to constant violence from men/women. Violence may take various forms. These may be physical, sexual, verbal, societal, emotional, financial, intellectual or various forms of denial like denial of education, food, health care, political rights, legal rights, information, and the like. Violence against women is recognized as a violation of their human rights and a deterrent to development.

We know, equipped with the proper resources, women have the power to help whole families and entire communities escape poverty. We believe economic empowerment of these women will facilitate social and political empowerment of women. They will actively take part in the decision making in the family and community.

Reach the Hearts talks to women. We help their voices be heard. And we make sure that the unique vulnerabilities they face as well as the unrecognized contributions they make are integrated into efforts to reduce poverty, improve health and create a more equitable world.

MAKE A GIFT: Your tax-deductible donation will help Reach the Hearts continue to empower women and girls to bust myths by helping the world's poorest women and their families, send their children to school, increase their food production, start sustainable businesses and safeguard their health. Communities will thrive and in the end entire Nations are in a better position to prosper economically.

Please give a tax-deductible gift to help empower women to lift themselves, their families and their communities out of poverty - for life !!!!!!

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